英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 13:36:45
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue

e.g. Did he go through with the treatment?
He implemented a new economic plan
She followed up his recommendations with a written proposal

Synonym: follow upfollow outcarry outimplementput throughgo through

2. carry a stroke to natural completion after hitting or releasing a ball

1. 送杆:分析原因,应该是因为希望一次掌握送杆(follow through)和挥杆平面的感觉,结果把前面学的还没有完全掌握的动作都忽视了,最终是站位重心不对、上杆转身不足(左侧肋骨外肌肉疼痛也是不敢充分转身的一个原因)、下杆没有放松以至于胳膊发力、右腿内侧没有绷紧、右脚内侧抓地不牢.


2. 跟随动作:如果说预备动作是一个动作的准备阶段,那么跟随动作(follow through)则是它的结束阶段. 动作很是突然发生,又突然完全停止的,而是逐渐停止的. 例如,一只手在跑出去一个球后,它会从释放点继续运动一段距离. 在物体松散部位的定时和速度上经常要加一些细微的变化,

3. 随挥动作:教练总是强调要让挥拍结束在肩膀上方,也就是要把随挥动作(follow through)做完整. 对于大多数初级球手,这是一个很好的Tip,但如果你想让挥拍更流畅,必须要学会另一件事:忘掉随挥,让拍头的惯性作主. 简而言之,只要在击球瞬间充分放松,

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The leadership has been unwilling to follow through the implications of these ideas.(领导层一直不愿意弄清楚这些想法的含意。)
If you write it down when you think of it, you are more likely to follow through on whatever it is.(不论什么事,只要你想起来的时候能写下来,你就很可能做完这件事。)
You have to be willing to follow through on this if you get the job, of course.(当然,如果你得到了这份工作,你要真的愿意这样做。)
Second, nations have to follow through on the G20 commitments to financial regulation.(第二,其他国家要遵守20国集团提出的金融规则。)
Then find ways to follow through on your goals.(然后找到实现你目标的方法。)
Struggles to follow through on instructions.(艰难地听从指导。)
Then, just as you do in your career, follow through.(然后,就像你在职业生涯中所作的,持续跟进。)
Winners in life set goals and follow through on them.(生活中的成功者会设定目标并坚持到底。)
Not only does she have a tendency to be moody all the time, but she misses appointments, doesn't follow through on projects, and doesn't seem to plan anything till the last minute.(她不仅有时常喜怒无常的倾向,而且会错过约会,无法坚持完成项目,且似乎不到最后一分钟都不做任何计划。)
Pay attention to your "inner voice" and follow through on any "hunches" that you receive.(注意倾听你内心的呼唤,遵从任何心灵的暗示。)
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